Category: Sandwiches
Salmon & Rice Burgers
On some of my trips to the Asian market, I am sometimes lucky enough to come across some leftover pieces of salmon that are packaged up and sold really inexpensively. When I find them, I buy up as many as I can and toss them in the freezer for a quick meal. Each pack may…
Remembering The Professor & A Welsh Rarebit
My parents were born and raised in Cairo, Egypt and in their adult years, they lived under the rule of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Nasser was an Arab Nationalist who came up through the ranks of the Egyptian military. As he rose to power, he formulated his goals to improve life in Egypt. He set out…
Greek Meat & Potato Pie
One of the things I love most about traveling to other countries is discovering the unique street foods that define the flavors of that country. After a long day of traveling, most people would probably get to their hotel, call in room service and call it a night. But I’m a simple girl at heart…
Will The Real Ho’mous (Hummus) Please Stand Up
I just cringe when I see the word h-u-m-m-u-s… You know — the Americanized spelling of that delicious spread made from garbanzo beans known in the Middle East as ho’mous (pronounced ho-mousse). I can just hear my dad’s voice insisting that I use the correct pronunciation – a respect for different cultures and their food…
Semi Homemade Falafel
As I get older, I find myself drawn to memories of the past– foods, people and surroundings that evoked a certain comfort and familiarity. My family worked hard to put food on the table and a roof over our head, and after all of the bills were paid, there was little left over for much…
Non-Traditional Chicken & Waffles
When you’ve been given a gift, you want to do your best to honor it in the best way that you can, so when Gina Metcalfe Lee sent me some of her bottled sauces, I wanted to take the time to do them all justice. One of the first things I decided to make was…
Savory BLT Sopapillas with Beer Cheese Sauce
Cinco de Mayo went off on Saturday with a bang, but I was still very much in a Mexican state of mind… A few lingering bottles of Dos Equis beer had me thinking of a beer cheese sauce with some garlic, mustard and a bit of cayenne pepper for spice….but what kind of sandwich should…
A Super Bowl Smörgåstårta
In the late 1980’s, I spent a few weeks in Sweden almost every Summer and had the delicious pleasure of tasting Smörgåstårta for the first time during one of the Midsummer celebrations. It’s very popular in Scandinavia and you see it served at just about any function. This delicious centerpiece is a layered sandwich…
Really Sloppy, Sloppy Joe’s
Holidays are a great time for getting together with friends and family, and more than likely, you’ve got quite a bit of food leftover that will be taking up room in the fridge for the next couple of days. Sounds like a food reinvention intervention is in order to keep the family interested at…
What do you do on National Bacon Day?
If it weren’t for my friends Benny and Greg, I would have never known that today was National Bacon Day? Kidding, no I’m not kidding…Apparently this annual Holiday was started back in 2004, and falls on the Saturday before Labor Day. Bacon is a favorite food the world around, and creative chefs have incorporated this…
Maine Inspired Shrimp Salad Sandwich…
Many years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Nova Scotia, Canada. The beauty of the area is seared into my brain, and one day I would love to return. For dinner on our first night, we went to a restaurant near Peggy’s Cove to have of course, lobster…before going to the restaurant our…