Category: Appetizers
Quinoa Arancini
Many people are trying to eat healthier these days, and are changing out many of the starchier side dishes they have been used to using, and replacing them with more nutrient dense options. One of my favorite side dishes of all time is something called arancini — if you’ve never had them before, you’re missing…
Sweet & Sour Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Made Easy
In addition to the traditional Greek stuffed grape leaves my family would make at home, my dad would also make a stuffed cabbage version. This happened when he didn’t have time to run to the international market to pick up a jar of grape leaves, and cabbage was easily accessible. In Greek, cabbage rolls are…
Crispy, Creamy, Cheesy Cauliflower Croquettes
When families tell me that they have a tough time getting their children to eat vegetables, I am usually left wondering who rules the roost at home. Children will grow into adulthood eating the foods that they’ve become accustomed to, so, if you are not providing good quality meals early on, these bad habits will…
Grape Leaf Dolmades The Greek Way
I’ve always considered dolmades the perfect food – what other single food item provides you with a vegetable, a carb AND a protein in one tidy little packet? I’m not exaggerating when I say that I have probably eaten hundreds, if not thousands of them in my life. Making them requires some time and patience…
Greek Meat & Potato Pie
One of the things I love most about traveling to other countries is discovering the unique street foods that define the flavors of that country. After a long day of traveling, most people would probably get to their hotel, call in room service and call it a night. But I’m a simple girl at heart…
Dad’s No-Fuss Meatballs
Our house was always a stopping point for friends and family who lived close by, so it is no surprise that I was raised to prepare quick, delicious snacks and appetizers for unexpected guests. My family had a huge list of different items that could be put together quickly for events that offered little or…
Blueberry Corn Muffin With Sweet Sausage
The last item I made this week with sauces from Crazy Bitch Sauce company was something that was a little strange in the planning process, but something that definitely worked and would love to make again. I was trying to decide what protein to use for my final recipe, and when I decided on using…
Spicy Chicken & Potato Croquettes
The Super Bowl is just around the corner, and I don’t think I have thought about snack type foods as much as I have these last few weeks. When you have an event like that, you want some delicious and easy to eat foods that will please many different people. Some may like chicken but…