Category: Dough
Gluten Free Zucchini & Oat Flour Pizza
The last few months, I’ve been on a quest to help maximize the nutrition in my mother’s meals. One of her other favorite meals is pizza, but the traditional flour based pizza crusts are too bulky for her to digest. I knew that coming up with something she would be able to eat was going…
Lebanese Flatbread With Labneh, Akawi & Za’atar
Flatbreads may be a relatively new innovation for us here in the USA, but in reality, they have a very long history and have been around for a very long time. Most are leavened with yeast, but others like the Jewish Matzoh, are not leavened at all. Some flatbreads are thick, like the Scottish Bannock,…
Make A Sweet Twist With Buttermilk Danish Dough
In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, I attended culinary school at L’ Academie de Cuisine in Bethesda. I was one of the many people in this world who decided to make a career change, so I left the medical field to go into the food industry. I can’t say it was always easy, but…
Chicken & Eggless Dumplings
Several years ago, there was a program on PBS called The 1940’s House. It was about a modern day family that was set up to live in a house during the 1940’s and particularly during the historical time of WWII. More than 300 families auditioned for the show and the producers had to ensure that…
Make Yourself Some Middle Eastern Simit Rings
I like to buy dried garbanzo beans, rehydrate them overnight and then cook them up the next day in the pressure cooker. Most people simply don’t understand why I would ever do this when you can buy perfectly good garbanzo beans in a can. Don’t get me wrong, I will buy a few canned items…
Quick & Easy Pocket-less Pita
Pita bread is one of those items I grew up with at home. As a matter of fact, I don’t ever remember having anything but pita bread in a variety of different sizes or a crusty loaf of artisan bread. There are two different types of pita breads — one has wafer thin layers that…
Brie Filled Donuts (Loukoumades) With Strawberry Sauce
I wasn’t one of those people who always liked Brie and Camembert cheese. I remember trying them for the first time on a crudite platter many years ago and not really finding the texture of the outer sheath very appealing. I was encouraged by others to keep trying it with hopes that it would grow…
Herbed Garlic & Parmesan Monkey (Pull Apart) Rolls
In all the years that I have been writing about food, the most popular posts involve dough based items. Whether it’s a loaf of bread or a delicious old school donut, these items will almost always draw the most attention. For me, these items have always been my weakness and are difficult to stay away…
How About Some Stromboli
If you are someone who regularly follows my posts, then you know that my mantra when creating new items involves taking an existing recipe and tweaking it as necessary. I only have a handful of what I call core recipes that I then modify to create many different items. After all, why re-create the wheel?…
Thin Crust Pizza, Perfect For A Warm Summer Night
I don’t know of anyone who just doesn’t love a good pizza. Whether it’s a thick crust or a thin one, pizza is a treat you should enjoy at least once a week. I’m the kind of person that likes both types of crusts and sometimes even a deep dish. I enjoy, and in fact…