During our Easter break, we made a double batch of our homemade marshmallow recipe and piped some into peeps, which we covered with sugar. It was a fun treat and a great kitchen exercise for the kids. Half of the marshmallow was poured into a lightly greased a half sheet pan that was lined with a sheet of parchment paper. I let it set for a few hours at room temperature and then turned it out onto another lighlty greased piece of parchment paper…

I then cut it into round shapes with a metal cutter that I lightly oiled so it would not stick to the marshmallow. Make sure the cut outs are not too big because they will get heavy when you dip them into the chocolate and the marshmallow will tear…mine were about 2 1/2 inches in diameter, but you can go 2 inches if you prefer…

Then I stuck an ice cream stick into each of them and lined them all up for a nice and warm chocolate bath…you can temper chocolate if you like, but we just heated some decent tasting non tempering chocolate to make it easier for the kids…

I had prepared a lot of different toppings to roll the pops in after dipping, like assorted jimmies, plain coconut, toasted coconut, caramel, and we even left some plain, which we then drizzled with white chocolate. It was a fun afternoon and another great exercise for the kids!



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