Riva Farmer’s Market, Riva Road & Harry Truman Pkwy, April-December 2010, Tuesday 7am-12noon (starting June), Thursday 3pm-6pm, Saturday 7am-12noon
I am a big promoter of buying local whenever and however you can. You’ve heard all of the reasons why a million times, but I just love getting out and meeting all of the wonderful and talented people that grow, make, bake and harvest all of those beautiful and delicious items that you will find in our area markets. I really hand it to them all…it takes a tremendous skill and great strength to pull it off week after week. Recently, on a beautiful Saturday morning, I wandered down to the Riva market that opened in early April. I think it is the only farmer’s market in the area that opened so early in the season, most are starting up next week. Most of the farmers are selling flowering plants along with vegetable & herb plants for those of you still keen on getting your gardens set up for the season. There will be more farmers with fruits and vegetables arriving in the next month or so. I spoke to Bobbi Crispens from Crispens farm, who said that this season will be late for some of the vegetables and some of the fruit because the winter was so cold and long. Unfotunately, the farmers got a late start in planting seedlings because the ground remained frozen for much of the early Spring. The Riva market does a great job in planning 4 major festival days each year, with lots of great activities and entertainment for the kids and bluegrass music for the adults. Come by and support all of these talented crafstmen and women…
If you are interested in finding out more information about all of the farmer’s markets in Maryland, click here.
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